Sunday October 12th we got to bring Payten home! She wasn't thrilled about the car seat at first, but once the car was moving it quickly became one of our calming tricks! I was so nervous the first couple of days that I made three separate phone calls to the pediatricians office within her first 72 hours at home. She was great the first few nights home, I even had to wake her during the night to make sure she ate. She had lost almost a pound in the hospital so the doctors wanted her eating every two hours too make sure she gained the weight back.
The newness quickly wore off for her and soon enough she was waking me up!!! St. Charles the hospital where she was born requires all new parents come for an appointment with the baby two days after you leave the hospital. They check the babies weight, look at the umbilical cord and watch the mother breastfeed to make sure all is going well. She was back up to 8 pounds, her cord looked good and she was feeding perfectly! I was doing it, I was being a mom, a good one even. The reassurance felt so good, I could stop doubting myself!
People warn you about how exhausted you'll be but until you are going on almost no sleep for over a week and your sore from surgery you really have no idea. Exhaustion is something I had never really understood until then. But whenever I felt like I couldn't possibly go on, someone would stop by to see us or she would do something so cute my heart would melt and it would all feel worth it!
At her two week appointment she weighed 9 pounds 7 ounces! What a big girl! I couldn't believe she was getting so big and I really couldn't believe she was already two weeks old! Dr. Vaughn her pediatrician said she looked great. And sent us off with our next appointment set for her two month birthday! That appointment is next week... how is that possible?
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